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Eghosa Raymond Akenbor

The Work of

Eghosa Raymond Akenbor


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Studio Location  
19 omo-idahosa street, off iguikpe road, useh
Benin city +234
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Studio Hours
Mailing Address
5, tv road, victory baptist church, p.o box 7838
Benin city +234
Artist's Statement
" "
Art is a life journey, where time and regular practice brings one to maturity and reality. The more time I spend with art my existence on mother earth is defined and my regard for my creator is amplified because of the talent God has endowed me. What a privilege!

Inspiration of my art is drawn from nature, the society, my life experience and daily activities. I hate to be bound to a particular medium of expression. Anything around me is a possible medium for painting. My art is narrowed to mixed media (Assemblage, collage/​fabric collage). Although sometimes I do portraits and impressionist landscapes. Mixed media gives me the freedom to express myself and recycle materials around me to create something un-conventional.

Basically, my works are decorative and colourful in nature. I use newspapers, tissue papers, cartons, fabric, yarn, wood dust and African motifs on my canvas to give my work a unique texture and fashionable style. I see my art works as a customized aesthetic piece any person would want to purchase from the gallery. I am more into improvisation (answering questions like what should an artists do with the whole lot of things around him?). I try to answer those questions with my 2-dimentional artworks.
I have always loved the cubist movement, their works that revolves around improvisation of material.   


Eghosa Raymond Akenbor Afro-acrobato
CLASS: Mixed Media
CATEGORY: Abstract
MEDIA: Acrylic, paper, canvas
SIZE: 81cm/81cm
YEAR: 2014
PRICE: $$3000
Modern Gbedu

Eghosa Raymond Akenbor Modern Gbedu
Modern Gbedu
CLASS: Mixed Media
CATEGORY: Abstract
MEDIA: Acrylic, paper, canvas
SIZE: 81cm by 81cm
YEAR: 2014
PRICE: $$3000
Composition XL

Eghosa Raymond Akenbor Composition XL
Composition XL
CLASS: Mixed Media
CATEGORY: Abstract
MEDIA: Paper, acrylic, canvas
SIZE: 97cm/82cm
YEAR: 2014
PRICE: $$2600
Play with forms and movement. And see how it goes
Masqueradal compositio

Eghosa Raymond Akenbor Masqueradal compositio
Masqueradal compositio
CLASS: Mixed Media
CATEGORY: Abstract
MEDIA: paper, net, acrylic, canvas
SIZE: 97cm/82cm
YEAR: 2014
PRICE: $$2600
composing an imagery of masquerade, structure and colour. A merging of sculpture and colours.

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