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Nick Egglington

The Work of

Nick Egglington


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Artist's Statement
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Nick Egglington is an Adelaide born artist, graphic designer and lecturer specialising primarily in fine art and commercial photography. Some of his major influences include Ansel Adams, Max Dupain, Bill Henson as well as some early German Expressionists.

At present Nicks main focus is illustrating both the natural and man made world through black and white photography highlighting the delicate play between darkness and light and its ability to spark emotion in people. Nick believes that although people are able to perceive colour, by removing it, one is able to interpret an image in either a positive or negative way thus removing ambiguity in the interpretation and transforming a “grey” world into one of simplicity and subjective interpretation.

In addition to being a practicing artist and graphic designer, Nick is also an ambitious fim maker. His current project “Beyond the borderline” focuses on the complexity of dysfunctional, and sometimes toxic gay relationships between two men. Through a documentary exploring his own personal experiences, Nick is hoping to examine his own motivations for forming such relationships, and what it is about them that becomes so addictive.

The film explores the relationship from beginning to end, from the initial intense courting, through to the inevitable and confusing conclusion - the breakup. Nick hopes the film will challenge and encourage the audience to question the dynamics at play when two males decide to engage in a gay relationship. Is it about love, or is it really about power and control? What are the real dynamics in a gay relationship? Through his film Nick hopes his “no bullshit” approach will open up dialogue on this often controversial and less talked about subject.

Onkaparinga River

Nick Egglington Onkaparinga River
Onkaparinga River
CLASS: Photography
YEAR: 2013
The Road To Rapid Bay

Nick Egglington The Road To Rapid Bay
The Road To Rapid Bay
CLASS: Photography
YEAR: 2013
Coastal Road

Nick Egglington Coastal Road
Coastal Road
CLASS: Photography
YEAR: 2013
Mount Lofty House

Nick Egglington Mount Lofty House
Mount Lofty House
CLASS: Photography
YEAR: 2013
Suburban Street At Night

Nick Egglington Suburban Street At Night
Suburban Street At Night
CLASS: Photography
YEAR: 2013
City Tower

Nick Egglington City Tower
City Tower
CLASS: Photography
YEAR: 2013
Waitpinga Beach

Nick Egglington Waitpinga Beach
Waitpinga Beach
CLASS: Photography
YEAR: 2010
Adelaide Railway Station

Nick Egglington Adelaide Railway Station
Adelaide Railway Station
CLASS: Photography
YEAR: 2013

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