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Victoria Valadao Napier

The Work of

Victoria Valadao Napier


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Studio Location  
Philadelphia PA
United States
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Studio Hours
Also have Brazilian Residence

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United States
Artist's Statement
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Geometric abstract painting is a persistent theme in my work.

I am currently working on a series of large Labyrinth paintings.
It is a series that I started in 2014 when I became interested in this ancient cross cultural form as a basis for the structure of painting and drawing. The labyrinth painting has a heart, a destination, yet the labyrinth painting also has a winding path that the viewer can trace with either their fingers or eyes to experience a form of meditation. Thus, the painting can become a way to slow down and gain personal insight.

I also always studying geometry in art, how geometric forms interact, through my own improvisations.

Additionally, I feel connected to nature so that some paintings refer to recognizable things in nature: gardens, trees, flowers, mountains, etc. For example, I love the shape of the palm tree, partially an influence of having enjoyed the Brazilian tropical climate that is so wonderful.

Please visit my website at

Garden Pattern

Victoria Valadao Napier Garden Pattern
Garden Pattern
CLASS: Acrylics
CATEGORY: Abstract
MEDIA: Acrylic on streched canvas
SIZE: 18 x 16 inches
YEAR: 2014
PRICE: $280
I was thinking of a garden in which at every turn new colors are juxtaposed.

Garden Design

Victoria Valadao Napier Garden Design
Garden Design
CLASS: Paintings
CATEGORY: Abstract
MEDIA: Acrylic on canvas
SIZE: 18 x 16 inches
YEAR: 2015
PRICE: $280
With Garden Design I had an actual garden in mind with divisions and quiet spaces.
Small Orange Pathway

Victoria Valadao Napier Small Orange Pathway
Small Orange Pathway
CLASS: Paintings
CATEGORY: Abstract
MEDIA: Acrylic on canvas
SIZE: 7 X 5 1/2 inches
YEAR: 2016
PRICE: $65
This handsome but small painting works like a pathway around what I imagine is a some or sacred space.
Mirror Drawing II

Victoria Valadao Napier Mirror Drawing II
Mirror Drawing II
CLASS: Mixed Media
CATEGORY: Abstract
MEDIA: Mixed Media on paper
SIZE: 7 x 5 inches
YEAR: 2007
PRICE: $95
This drawing is layered in bright colors of crayon and pastel over muted watercolor. A tiny drawing that demands a lot of space.
Ski Labyrinth

Victoria Valadao Napier Ski Labyrinth
Ski Labyrinth
CLASS: Paintings
CATEGORY: Landscape
MEDIA: Acrylic on canvas
SIZE: 16 x 11 3/4 inches
YEAR: 2014
PRICE: $175
This was one of the first paintings in my labyrinth series and the colors remind me of the ski outfits of the 70s and 80s, thus itsname.
Pointillist Labyrinth

Victoria Valadao Napier Pointillist Labyrinth
Pointillist Labyrinth
CLASS: Acrylics
CATEGORY: Abstract
MEDIA: Mixed media on heavy weight paper
SIZE: 18 1/2 x 24
YEAR: 2015
PRICE: $150
This drawing loses the labyrinth and finds it again in all the dots. Mixed media, I used watercolor, beeswax crayon, and crayon on paper.
Labyrinth with Red Cinquefoil

Victoria Valadao Napier Labyrinth with Red Cinquefoil
Labyrinth with Red Cinquefoil
CLASS: Acrylics
CATEGORY: Landscape
MEDIA: Acrylic on stretched canvas
SIZE: 19 1/2 x 24 inches
YEAR: 2015
PRICE: $480
This is a labyrinth painting whose colors are simplified and graphic. It is handsome while simple.
Red Labyrinth

Victoria Valadao Napier Red Labyrinth
Red Labyrinth
CLASS: Acrylics
CATEGORY: Abstract
MEDIA: Acrylic on stretched canvas
SIZE: 23 1/2 x 15 3/4 inches
YEAR: 2015
PRICE: $550
A labyrinth that almost disappears but still existing. The tones of red are contrasted with cool colors

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